As part of revising our partition data to meet EN and EXAP standards, the new codes now represent the latest data we have available and what is now possible to validate using 3rd party EXAP and EN classification processes. These systems are now live on the website and should be used for new projects. The previous codes and their associated performances will be supported for projects which were started before February 2023.

Example of code
This represents a partition system using CS70Rx Studs, 1 layer of 15 Moisture Board over 1 layer 15mm Siniat dB Board, each side, and 25mm glass wool insulation. Further explanation can be found on our website.
As part of revising our partition data to meet EN and EXAP standards, the new codes now represent the latest data we have available and what is now possible to validate using 3rd party EXAP and EN classification processes.
These systems are now live on the website
and should be used for new projects. The previous codes and their associated performances will be supported for projects which were started before February 2023.
For fire performance, for a corresponding system build-up, there are some small changes in achievable performance to achieve increased fire state heights. Similarly, for acoustics there are some small changes to allow us to provide data for a large range of systems and to use the latest available data.
To start exploring and using the EN classified partition data please use the system selector to browse a range of available systems, more options and configurations are available by consulting with our Specification and Technical Services teams.
The products referenced in our system codes, e.g., boards, metals, fixings, etc, have not changed, only the evidence or evidence method that is being used to substantiate the performance value.
For further details please contact our Technical Services or Specification teams.